The potential for carbon sequestration in Dutch agriculture

Various measures promote CO2 sequestration in Dutch agricultural soils, including, for example, the extra supply of compost. A target of 04-0.6 Mton extra CO2 sequestration per year in 2030 has been set for agricultural soils in the Dutch Climate Agreement.

The recently published study by Wageningen University & Research (WUR) aims to provide insight into the technical potential for carbon sequestration in Dutch agricultural soils. The technical potential for carbon sequestration in Dutch agricultural soils has been calculated at 0.9 Mton CO2 per year. Therefore the objective of the Climate Agreement is achievable if the measures are also sufficiently applied in practice.

Measures that contribute most to carbon sequestration are converting temporary grassland and silage maize to permanent grassland, increasing the share of grain crops, and applying green manures. Compost is also an instrument for capturing a significant amount of CO2.


The potential for carbon sequestration in Dutch agriculture - WUR . research report

This article was provided by BVOR NL.