In 2017 two new members have joined the ECN: BGORJ - a Danish bio-waste organisation and Biosolids S.A., a Greek composting plant.
BGORJ - Danish Association for Organic Recycling - soil improvement and carbon storage works to embrace academic as well as political issues and issues related to the promotion of recycling of organic waste products for agricultural purposes. The Association will promote knowledge about recycling of organic residues used for agricultural purposes.
The Association works on issues of importance to legislation in this area and ensure improved decision basis for public authorities and decision makers in ministries, local authorities and the EU. The association strives for representation from all table-to-soil chain.
Biosolids S.A. is a bio waste organisation, which is engaged in producing soil-improvement products (organohumic fertilizers and soil enhancers) through biomass and solid waste composting.
The operating plant in northern Greece, Pella prefecture, has the management capacity of 17,500 tons of organic waste (organic crop residues, food industry waste, sludge from wastewater treatment plants). They use the aerobic composting process and produce a soil enhancing material (compost) of high nutritional value. Their goal is to implement a rational approach to waste and biomass management, driven by the care for the environment and sustainable development.