
The main goal of theFertiCovery project is to analyse best available technologies for recycling fertilisers from secondary raw materials. It advises policymakers and stakeholders on alternative fertilising products, ensuring balanced nitrogen and phosphorus flows and promoting soil health and structure within ecological limits at regional and local levels.

Starting from a long list of nutrient recovery (NR) and bio-based fertiliser (BBF) technologies, FertiCovery will select and describe ≥25 technologies, their feedstocks, products and applications, followed by a an assessment of technical aspects and environmental impacts of the technologies; an assessment of composition, sanitary safety and environmental impacts of the associated fertilising products; and an assessment of feedstock availability, potential for upscaling, regulatory framework, costs and social risks resulting in the market and replication potential.

 At the end of the project, a detailed multicriteria decision analysis report and datasheets of the 10-15 best available technologies will be available. The identification and engagement of European and international stakeholders, especially by organising 5 online/hybrid workshops and 6 physical/hybrid open forum events, will secure that information on best availability technologies is shared to a wider audience of technology providers, end users, policy makers and the scientific community.

The project’s results will enable them to perform appropriate activities to removal of barriers and promoting the application of NR and BBF. This paves the way for widespread use of environmentally friendly BBFs. Society will benefit from the circular use of alternative fertilising products recovered from secondary raw materials, as they lead to lower environmental impacts on soil, water, and air quality, biodiversity and climate.


ECN specific tasks

  • Support the identification of Best Available Techniques (BAT)
    • Selection and description of case studies
    • Analysis of nutrient recovery and bio-based fertiliser production technologies
    • Analysis of fertilising products
  • Market and replication potentials
  • Recommendations to policy makers and practitioners
  • Cooperation with international stakeholders


FertiCovery is funded by Horizon Europe and the consortium is coordinated by BTG Biomass Technology Group and composed of Fundación CARTIF, Ethnicon Metsovion Polytechnion, Università degli studi di Torino, Politechnika Wrocławska, European Biogas Association, European Compost Network and Greenovate ! Europe.