Commission tables new EU Green Deal package focusing on soil, waste and new genomic techniques

The European Commission presented on July 5th its Green Deal package called “sustainable use of plant and soil natural resources”, which contains four different proposals.

The latest array of laws, which not only aims are making sustainable use of key natural resources the norm, but also strengthening the resilience of EU food systems and farming, includes: the Directive on soil monitoring, the Regulation on plants produced by new genomic techniques, the Revision of food waste and textile aspects of the waste framework directive, and the Revision of legislation on seeds and other plant and forest reproductive material.
Soil monitoring law: the objective of the new soil directive is to create a monitoring framework for all soils in Europe. It also aims at making sustainable management of soils the norm, by setting a list of practices to be used in EU countries, as well as requesting them to identify, investigate and remediate potentially contaminated sites.
Food waste proposal: According to the adopted text, Member States are required to take the necessary measures to reduce food waste by the end of 2030 by 10%, in processing and manufacturing, and by 30% (per capita), jointly at retail and consumption (restaurants, food services and households) compared to 2020 levels.

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